Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 (GMT +8)
in Singapore

A Tech-Oriented Startup Accelerator

Driving Startup Success in the Dynamic Southeast Asian Market

Client Background

As a Taiwanese tech-oriented startup accelerator, founded in 2013 and affiliated with a prestigious national university, our client has supported over 750 startups and lab technologies.

Their cohorts collectively raise approximately $10-11 million USD annually, a testament to their ability to propel early-stage companies to success. It has earned recognition as a top accelerator in the APAC region and ranked 7th globally by UBI Global in 2015.

Category: Tech Startup Accelerator

Company Size: 21-50

Project Year: 2023 

Project Type: Scaling, Corporate Innovation

Project Market(s): 新加坡 


The accelerator needs local expertise and support in aiding startups from their program to enter and establish  in the Southeast Asian market effectively. To achieve this objective, they required a comprehensive plan encompassing market entry strategy, startup preparation, local experts mentoring, business matching, and regional exposure.


Support in Multiple Programmes on a Regular Basis

  • Provided coaching and guidance to startups entering the Southeast Asian market
  • Organised group workshops and provided tailored e-resources to prepare startups for Southeast Asian execution
  • Offered consultations to selected startups, providing ongoing support specific to the Southeast Asian context
  • Facilitated business matching to connect startups suitable partners in the region
  • Advised on the upcoming market trends in Southeast Asia to structure the programme focus for the coming year

The Results

Through this comprehensive approach, the participating startups successfully established a strong presence in Southeast Asia. The tailored workshops and local expert insights provided startups with the necessary knowledge and resources to navigate the region’s business landscape effectively. Additionally, the business matching efforts resulted in valuable partnerships and collaborations.


  • Local expertise and tailored support empowered startups to navigate and succeed in the Southeast Asian market
  • Local expertise and tailored support empowered startups to navigate and succeed in the Southeast Asian market
  • Facilitated partnerships and collaborations bolstered the growth and expansion of startups in Southeast Asia

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