Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 (GMT +8)
in Singapore



BlackStorm Consulting Partners with QBell to Generate Insights on eCommerce & Logistics Trends in Southeast Asia

BlackStorm Consulting and QBell jointly announced a partnership to conduct a study on eCommerce & Logistics in Southeast Asia, particularly Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. The survey will involve multiple key stakeholders and would allow more comprehensive insights regarding consumer behaviour. With a young population, a growing middle class, and the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating online consumption...

BlackStorm Consulting to Scale Numbers Protocol in Southeast Asia

BlackStorm Consulting announces a partnership with Numbers Protocol to promote trust in the digital media world in Southeast Asia through a combination of traditional cryptography approaches and blockchain technology.  Using deepfake technology, it becomes easier to edit images or videos and pass them off as “the truth”. Images can be easily retrieved using screenshots, cropped...

BlackStorm Consulting Welcomes Adrian Watkins Onboard as an Advisor

BlackStorm Consulting is excited to welcome Adrian Watkins, the growth and marketing expert to join us as an Advisor. Adrian, known as the go-to Business Growth & Transformation expert in Asia Pacific, is a full-service digital sales and marketing veteran with a focus on strategy, innovation, transformation and product and revenue across blue-chip companies and...

BlackStorm Consulting Partners Digital Nomad Labs to Help Businesses Adopt Blockchain Solutions

BlackStorm Consulting and Digital Nomad Labs jointly announced their partnership to provide comprehensive support to businesses in adopting blockchain technologies. In this partnership, BlackStorm Consulting will be focusing on providing business advice on blockchain applications whereby Digital Nomad Labs will help businesses realise their ultimate objectives with technical consultancy and development. Blockchain, the shared ledger...

BlackStorm Consulting Partners Scaleup Technologies to Help Non-Tech Entrepreneurs Start a Tech Startup

BlackStorm Consulting and Scaleup Technologies jointly announced their partnership to provide comprehensive bootcamps to help aspiring entrepreneurs to kick start their entrepreneurial journey with no-code product development and essential business knowledge. No-code or low-code development platforms have increased popularity in recent years, especially during the remote working era. Gartner forecasted that the global low-code development...

BlackStorm Consulting Launched a Series of Online Courses at Techgoondu Learn

BlackStorm Consulting is honoured to partner with Techgoondu by supporting with a series of entrepreneurial online courses and programmes on the newly launched e-learning platform, Techgoondu Learn.  The advent of technology has caused a surge in the demand for technology experts today, with the estimation provided by Microsoft, there will be a total of 149...

Blackstorm Virtual Launchpad Is Back With Specialised Programmes

To connect enterprises all across Asia and provide them with a platform to showcase their businesses and themselves, BlackStorm Consulting (BSC) launched the BlackStorm Virtual Launchpad (BVL) as a one-stop platform where companies can engage in weekly activities and hear from like-minded industrial players. BlackStorm Consulting is a trusted business scaler specialising in CSO-As-A-Service, Business...

Driving Business Growth Through Innovation with IOX Biz Hub

As we become increasingly connected through technology advancement, the internet is connecting people at a faster rate than ever before. Despite the virtually endless opportunities that internet brings about, the connectivity challenges companies to excel more in order to set one apart from the competition, from optimising the production cost to increasing cross-border sales. With...

BlackStorm Consulting to Bridge Hong Kong Based Companies to Southeast Asia in 2021

January 17, 2021: BlackStorm Consulting will venture into Hong Kong this year with the support of newly appointed partners, Mr Eddie Lin, and Mr Ryan Wong, to accelerate the growth of Hong Kong Based businesses in Southeast Asia. The bilateral relations between ASEAN and Hong Kong have been flourishing in the past decade with ASEAN...

MB聯盟首發線上國際論壇 探討跨國商務發展 協助企業超前部署

經濟日報, 許夷雯, 8 May 2020: COVID-19疫情造成全球前所未見的經濟衝擊,各國封鎖和隔離令導致企業停業,造成重大破壞。企業要如何渡過這個充滿挑戰的時期然後蓬勃發展? 有鑒於此,新加坡黑風暴顧問公司、新加坡意聯國際顧問公司及台灣智策慧品牌顧問公司,日前共同組成MB跨國企業發展聯盟(MB Alliance),期望提供多年專業輔導,強化企業在亞太地區企業之間的聯繫,引領優質企業國際品牌化。並於日前舉辦首發線上國際論壇。 在聯盟成員黑風暴顧問專家謝晉祥的主持下,黑風暴聯合創辦人陳立涵、智策慧品牌顧問執行長陳茂鴻、意聯國際台灣區總經理暨合夥人李景屏,共同就產業在新冠肺炎的疫情影響下,「如何度過艱難的經濟時期並在之後蓬勃發展」提供分析與建議。 新加坡黑風暴聯合創辦人陳立涵指出,這次疫情來得又快又急,多數企業都沒能及早因應,因此有些企業受到封國封城的影響,貨進不來也出不去,許多服務是無法完全靠遠距視訊解決的,公司營運面臨停擺,部分企業更是不得不裁員因應。但裁員並非拯救企業的良藥,除了資遣費外,企業也要思量在疫情過後,沒有適切的人力可以回補等問題。 另外更值得企業深思的是,消費型態隨著外在環境不停的改變,疫情過後,現有的商業模式是否還適用?若不提早規劃因應,在疫情過後,可能會面臨更嚴峻的考驗。陳立涵另外建議,在疫情危機的當下不為規劃揮軍前進新市場的好時機,提前做好市場調查。企業也可尋找其他夥伴組成聯盟,擴展事業版圖及商機規模,或是藉機收購體質不錯的企業,壯大團隊。 智策慧董事長暨首席顧問師陳茂鴻表示,這次全球性的疫情影響超乎各界預期,企業連帶也受到牽連。在眾多國家與城市紛紛祭出封城或維持社交距離的措施下,市場也隨之衍伸出遠距商機。原本消費型態就有轉往線上交易的趨勢,現在更甚之,企業不得不透過數位轉型來爭取消費者接觸點,增加銷售機會。 陳茂鴻談到,這波疫情,加速帶動產業的數位轉型,但企業必須仔細評估這波疫情的影響是長期還是短期的。而數位轉型的第一步,就是要把交易戰場拉到數位網路上。企業為了提升顧客在數位上下訂單、追蹤、訊息的即時回饋等體驗,勢必要投資更多數位轉型的設備來提升資訊串聯上的競爭力。若企業沒有好好佈局如何接觸這些線上來的顧客,導入行銷科技與進行行銷自動化,擴展數位市場的版圖,那就會喪失先機,更甚會流失舊客。 數位轉型是一種結合數位科技及營運模式的過程,應用科技整合組織的各個層面,效率化流程,因此除了增加科技應用外,還必須做到人才優先策略。意聯國際台灣區總經理暨合夥人李景屏提到,企業必須盤點關鍵的核心人物,必要時進行調度來留住員工。企業考量現金流後,必要時認賠出售也是一個選擇。 李景屏同時也建議,企業可趁這波疫情盤整內部資源,認清產業結構已改變,勢必得學習並擁抱新科技,做好相關的危機風險管理,在下次危機來臨時,不會再措手不及。在人才策略上,即時並透明的跟員工共享資訊,可以讓員工較安心踏實,也可跟員工共同討論調整企業文化,在疫情過後才能吸引更優秀的人才。 許多企業主憂心遠距作業效率不如以往,李景屏指出,領導者在這個特殊狀況下,更要調整好心態,發揮同理心,尊重員工,建立信任感。企業要挺過這次危機,勢必得與產業鏈一起利他,與員工一起共好。 為擴大該聯盟的能力,目前陸續加入支持成員包括SparkAmplify,4b Studios和Aedge Capital。歡迎更多需要跨國商務發展解決方案之台灣與東南亞企業等利益關係人加入本聯盟。  
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