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The Cost Discrepancy Between Non-Environmentally Conscious Products and More Green Products

Tesla and Patagonia are two popular ‘green’ businesses today. Their dedication stems from a deep reverence for the natural environment.  However, the cost discrepancy between non-environmentally conscious products and more green products is no secret. In this article, learn about green products versus regular ones, why are sustainable products more expensive, and why being green...
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Green Business Ideas in 2024

Exploring green business ideas may seem daunting, but the potential rewards are significant. In this article, we delve into the world of eco-friendly entrepreneurship and explore various green business ideas for 2024. From sustainable food trucks to zero-waste grocery stores, we’ll uncover innovative ventures that prioritize environmental sustainability while meeting consumer demand. Join us as...
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Avoiding Fundraising Pitfalls

Fundraising is a repeated and often crucial component of a business’s life cycle. Companies need to raise money to develop products, marketing campaigns, scale operations, sometimes just for survival. Many entrepreneurs struggle to find investors with the saturation of demand for money being much higher than the supply. Getting an opportunity to pitch to an...
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How can Companies Add Value through Innovation?

Importance of Innovation Just as Steve Jobs stated, “innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Innovation can be defined as new ideas and creative thoughts in the form of a device or a new method. In this increasingly competitive climate, it is important that enterprises adopt innovative methods to create value in the businesses....
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A Crisis Is Not a Good Reason For Inaction

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently declared the fast spreading COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, warning over ‘alarming levels of inaction’. As such, many countries are adversely affected – community spreading is sustained and the number of infected increases day by day. Should these nations take decisive actions to mitigate the outbreak, the outcome may be...
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What Does It Take To Be A Leader?

A boss at work may seem powerful, with the authority to demand more work, energy, time while holding your job at his fingertips. However, this is a functional title given by the workplace. A leader on the other hand, is acknowledged by his followers, commanding their respect and support that they choose to give. The...
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Importance of Workplace Experience

Attracting the New Workforce As the workforce shifts to the next generation – millennials, the needs and wants that this generation demands from a job has also changed. Passion, work-life balance, career progression, company culture and personal growth have all become big words in human resources in this decade. People are no longer looking for...
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Rules of Work You Should Not Ignore as An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is no less than art. The idea behind entrepreneurship is to establish a business organisation with certain objectives. There are no limits on entrepreneurship. You do not necessarily need a university degree, a load of money in the bank or even business experience to start something that could become the next major success. However,...
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5 Bad Business Habits to Drop

Entrepreneurship is a risky business. All it takes is a chain of bad habits and decisions to cause a business to find itself in a pinch. Good habits create a systematic way of doing things, resulting in repeatable successful results that drive the business forward. Forming good habits is imperative to how you run your...
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What is Corporate Innovation?

Introduction Traditionally, corporations have been built on a successful idea or product, and subsequently expanding their enterprise based on that. However, with the influx of startups and competition, corporations now must think of means to innovate in order to maintain and thrive within today’s competitive landscape. To do so, corporations have to embrace the opportunity...
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